tiistai 2. marraskuuta 2010

NaNo! Day 2~

Gaming night obviously means I don't make it home on time. Ah well. NaNo day two, reporting in somewhat late~

Wasn't going to write very much... then realized how far ahead some people had gotten. First heading towards 15k, I finally made it from yesterday's 12,337 to 20,073 in roughly three and a half hours, which I'd think is quite acceptable. Half of this was a character rambling -- a scene that was supposed to be about 1k headed towards 5k instead. Because of this one scene, I'll probably have to rethink my chapter breaks if I want to keep the chapters roughly the same length. Ah well. These discoveries are all part of the fun. ♥ Still have to figure out if the chapter with that scene is done or if I'll add another scene just to add to the chaos. For now, I'll call it done.

Got some nice ideas, too; my characters developed connections I hadn't quite expected, all feasible enough within the universe but still somewhat... surprising. Hm. It seems Shou will be the most fearsome (real) baby of all if I can actually talk a world-class assassin into babysitting him.

Today's bit was roughly about this.

On a non-NaNo note, I spent half my time at the gaming night drawing planning pictures for my sci-fi 'verse. The damn thing apparently really, really wants to exist. At least I finally got down the picture of berths that's been bothering me, though I'm not entirely sure about the relative heights of the two guys in the picture. Will have to check against the original height chart, still.

So, at the end of the second day, I stand as follows:

Words total: 20,073
Completed chapters: 2(?)
Completed scenes: 9
Scenes total: 14

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